促销 / Promotion


Showing 25–36 of 66 results

  • 旅游包包(淺紫)/travel bag(light purple)

    • 旅游包包/ travel bag
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
    $8.90 Add to cart
  • 旅游包包(粉紅)/ travel bag(Pink)

    • 旅游包包/ travel bag
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
    $8.90 Add to cart
  • 黑金流沙包 2包 / Black gold lava custard bun 2pkts

    • 黑金流沙包 2包 / Black gold lava custard bun 2pkts
    • 1包6粒
    • 不包含送货/ not include delivery
    $12.00 Add to cart
  • Rosti Onion 薯派 500g

    • Rosti Onion 薯派 500g
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
    $7.90 Add to cart
  • 负离子护膝盖 / nion knee guard

    • 负离子护膝盖 1双 / knee guard x 1 pair
    • 包送货 / free delivery
    $49.00 Add to cart

    芋头糕 3包 / yam cake 3pkts

    • 芋头糕 3包 / yam cake 3pkts
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
  • 炸乌达 1 盒 / Fried otah 1 box

    • 1 盒10片 / 1 box 10 pc
    • 不包送货 / not include  delivery
    $10.00 Add to cart
  • 蜂蜜罗佳酱料 1罐/ honey rojak kueh 1 bottle

    • 蜂蜜罗佳酱料 1罐/ honey rojak kueh 1 bottle
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
    $6.90 Add to cart
  • 紫菜 3包 / seaweeed 3 pkt

    • 紫菜 1包 / seaweeed 1 pkt
    • 不包送货 / not include  delivery
    $15.90 Add to cart
  • 榴莲春卷 2包 / Durian spring roll 2 pkts

    • 榴莲春卷 2包 / durian spring roll 2 pkts
    • 1 包 6 条 / 1 pkt 6 pc
    • 不包含送货 / Not include delivery charge
    • 会员没有折扣 / Member no discount
    $16.00 Add to cart
  • 龙须虾 2包 / long xu prawn 2pkts

    • 龙须虾 2包 / long xu prawn 2pkts
    • origin of country : Singapore
    • 不包送货 / not include  delivery
    $13.00 Add to cart
  • 炸土豆饼 1包/ Hashbrown 1 pkt

    $12.00 Add to cart

Showing 25–36 of 66 results

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